I'm new here, just lost my sister who was 36

That's amazing. You got this!

I just lost my older brother last December I stayed sober through it one thing about sobriety is we can't do it solo reach out

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What bro, did you read this post?!?!?!? She just lost her sister who was 36 years old and you said that's amazing?!?!?!?!? :scream::rage:

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Nothing that anyone says will ease the pain of such a loss, just like no drink or drug will make you feel better. If you pickup after 7 years of sobriety, this evil, insidious disease wins. Get angry at this disease, but please don't let it win!! I'm praying for you to find the peace and serenity that everyone deserves. :pray:t2:


Hey Colorado Springs here. Sorry for your loss. Unfathomable. Focus on the basics that kept you sober so long and Im sure your sister is rooting for you to be sober

So sorry!! I lost my sister as well last August 2023 so it will be one year ago in a month. She died in her sleep from unknown causes & the mystery of not knowing the cause of her death caused me to drink at her funeral because I wanted closure!! Now I am back on track. You can remain sober as long as you have tools. The tool & mindset that helped me the most was Annie Grace. Please look her up! She has 2 wonderful books. This Naked Mind & The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment

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Annie Grace is amazing! I also have her app on my iPhone called The This Naked Mind Companion app which is free. Sorry again for your loss


Hang in there, we all go through those feelings. The further we get away from the drink or the drug. The closer we are to the person we are supposed to be.

You are not alone we are all here for you.

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Man that has god to suck I remember I lost my dog bunny it was a real emetioal roller coaster well if you want to talk I passed so I can not you me so eh

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Iā€™m so very sorry for the loss of your Sister. Please hang in thereā€¦youā€™re so worth it and you deserve to live the life youā€™re working so hard to achieve. One day at a time. :heart:


Nothing anyone says can ease the pain of such immense loss.

( Unbelievable how tone deaf some humans can be ).

She has lost her sister.
Prayers for strength and for healing.

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I feel ya. Lost 3 very close friends within a year. One was a firefighter, one was in a boat crash and (4) days later one in Afghanistan. Itā€™s a tuff road. Lean on people close to you for support. When I lost my friends I didnā€™t have the support group I do now. That lead to a bottle. And iam now forever grateful to them. Keep up the good work. In my CR I learnedā€¦ ā€œ it works if you work it. And work it because you are worth it ā€œ

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I was 4 months sober when I lost my daughter. I too struggled with using that loss as an excuse or a reason to drink, and still do. Donā€™t let it be a reason to drink, let it be a reason not to. The people we have lost would want us to be the best versions of ourselves and not blame them or use them as an excuse as to why we donā€™t perform at our best or at least continue to try to be the best version of ourselves everyday.

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Stay close

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Thank you so much for sharing. Iā€™m so proud of you. Kristyn, please hang in there. You are not alone. Weā€™ve got your back. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re here. ļæ¼

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Hey Andrew, there's been a misunderstanding. If you clicked on show previous comments, you would see that we had a conversation. So my comment is out of context. This is so embarrassing. I am sorry for the misunderstanding and that it made you angry.

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You are so unbelievably strong Kristyn. I have so much respect for you.

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Iā€™m sorry for this unfortunate situation youā€™re experiencing now.

Donā€™t know what to say to someone thatā€™s going through what youā€™ve been through already

If you need anyone to talk to yell at it cuss out.

Iā€™m your guy šŸ«”

Sorry for your loss

I recently lost my mother and my grandma. But here I sit with 509 days sober keep your Conscience contact with your higher power. You will smile again. No pain is forever.