New to Loosid πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I’m new to this app but it seems very community oriented and friendly! I can happily say I am 9 months sober! This is the longest I’ve been sober in 10 years! I’ve recently gone through the hardest time in my life and am hoping to get my life back on track. I’ve been struggling to meet new people, make sober friends, so I figured I’d give this a try.

How do you go about meeting new sober friends? What has this app helped you do/achieve?


Congrats on 9months. Making some new friends has proven difficult for myself. I made a pen pal on here who lives back east. We have grown pretty close as friends who I look forward to our weekly chats. Just took a while to find one. I am fortunate that one of my good friends has never been a drinker. We spend our night eating popsicles lol

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Same here

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Congratulations Rebecca. Welcome

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So awesome!

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It's important to keep in mind that friends who dont drink are awesome, but there is definitely a difference on friends who don't drink and people like us who can't drink and actively work on not drinking, a know? I posted the link, so maybe you could find some people to build yourself a sober crew for when things get weird. Atheist/agnostic is my flavor. Might not be yours, but that link had all sorts of meetings to check out.

Hang in there!

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Awesome thanks Taylor!

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Thanks :blush: that is very fortunate. Lol night popsicle sessions seem legit! My closest friend isn’t much of a drinker either but unfortunately lives about 7 hours from me.


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Well hello there glad you joined us glad to have met you my dear friend Rick here willing to help anytime

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Going to local meetings was something that I did and I recommend the same for you. Congratulations :confetti_ball: on 9 months. :slight_smile: that is a looooong time.

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Hi I'm Alice glad your here I'm recently new to this app to I'm 4 months sober

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It's hard for me to to make some friends

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Welcome...meetings are the easiest way. Also , any social group that's health-based : community hiking group ( in my town) that often have Facebook groups to coordinate. There are classes you can take at your local gym or fitness center such as kickboxing, spin class , yoga , Thai chi, whatever. I learned this is where normies meet post -sobriety as well lol. Of course , ramp up hanging out with your friends/ family that do not use /drink if you got em of course. Isolation in part seems inevitable to recovery at first so ease into social settings as long as you feel solid in your sobriety. Good luck

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Hi Alice :wave:t3: congrats on 4 months! My third was super difficult

Thanks for the advice Derek! I’ve definitely been in the isolation portion of recovery β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή I feel ready to slowly start coming out again.

Hi Becca, Congratulations on 9months sober! That’s awesome! keep it up, doing aa meetings in person and on zoom has been great for me for making sober friends, this app has helped me not feel alone, great community on here.

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I’m a program guy, so, going to meetings helped me establish a sober community. If that isn’t your path, reaching out on platforms like this, and trying to find someone in your area is a good start.

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Yea I’m not much of a meeting goer lately. Ive definitely seen the results I had a home group back when I lived in San Diego. Idk why I haven’t really gotten in the hang of it out here in Nevada