Sleep Help

I cannot sleep. I have seen my dr. Can anyone recommend things that help you sleep? I’ve tried melatonin, perspirations. Thank you! I heard it gets better.


It does get better. Try magnesium glyconate


It takes a while for the body to normalize and be able to sleep. For me, exercise, veggies with my meals, and occasionally zzquil help. I try to focus more on relaxing at night and feeling peaceful than whether or not I'm falling asleep otherwise my mind can start doing summersaults about it.


I’ve been insomniac too, especially in early sobriety. Reading the Big Book in bed until I fell asleep worked every time!
The melatonin actually made my insomnia worse.
My mind races with thoughts, usually fearful & negative thoughts. That’s my dis-ease!
Are you working with a sponsor?


Sleep meditations/yoga nidra! I've used the app Insight Timer for years and it's a lifesaver for me

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Yeah the Big Book does put me to sleep lol


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Don't just rely on meds - they can certainly help, but there are a ton of good sleep hygiene practices that will improve things more than medications alone, which can have bad side effects. Things like dimming lights and limiting blue light as you're winding down, turning off tv/cell phone screen, reading, weighted blankets, white noise, setting air temp lower at night, using an eye mask, sticking to a consistent sleep/wake schedule, getting exercise, eliminating caffeine after 4 or 5pm -- to name a few. Try them out and see what works for you -- it's very individual.


Thanks! I should have said I’m an RN. I’ve tried all the things…foods high in tryptophan, sleepy tea, no screen 30 min before bed, Mg, melatonin, no caffeine after 12 pm, fan for noise. I swear it’s like putting a small child to bed lol


Lol, CBD sleep aids are available. Maybe be like a 2 year old and use a sound machine/white noise.. Go get a massage once a week or do and relieve some of that tension.

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valerian root but get the capsules cause it’s pretty stinky, also if your in your phone before bed that’s no good at all and if u really must be on it turn your phone colors to RED at night it really makes a difference.

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Exercise is clutch :100::100::100:


I recently started doxepin 50mg at bedtime for sleep since going into treatment and losing access to my ambien. It’s not the same but at least I can get a few hours. I’ve been on just about everything before finding this random med that somewhat makes a difference that isn’t controlled

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I slept for 9 hours solidly last night. Thank you all!

I worked out which I think was key. I will try the CBD gummies and stuff too.

Oh it’s ok to take a nap. My dr aid it doesn’t matter what time of day. Keep it 20-30 minutes.

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I was told alcoholics should not take Ambian or Xanax/Ativan, etc. They have the same feeling as alcohol. My dr wanted me off of both. I took it right out to the car and disposed of them at Kaiser. I was on those meds for years.

However, if it works for you it works. My only advice is be super careful with it. It is highly addictive. I wasn’t addicted to it but I started to become I took Lunesta every night.

I am bipolar. The only prescription for sleep I can take is trazodone. Hydroxyzine (Visteril) is good for anxiety and sleep. It’s a super Benadryl

It does get better.
Exercise is the key. If you exercise enough, you will sleep. Guaranteed

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Try meditation with the lights off. If your mind is racing use a white or pink noise machine

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You can find guided meditation on you tube

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Agree with other posts. Exercise, meditation and reading. No screens or phones.. they're stimulates.

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Kava kava is exteemely helpful. PM yoga. ZMA-5 supplements. Short of meds, this is the best combination I can suggest. Wild lettuce extract as well.

I personally would avoid rigorous exercise before bed, but that's me. I can't work out past 4pm without losing sleep drastically.

Avoid stimulants and blue LIGHT (All screens, TV mobile, PC)