So who here is only in recovery from drug addiction?

So who here is only in recovery from drug addiction? I seem to meet a lot of people struggling with alcohol lately, just seeing where my people are!🫶🏻


I’m in recovery from both. Reach out if you ever need to chat


Just drugs for me well just one that truly almost took my soul and life I get it

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In recovery from both personally. Still struggling a lot with quitting alcohol, I seem to make it 2 weeks and then relapse

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Both! But I work the AA program :blush:

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It’s all the same.


Drugs for me

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I am aware. But when someone doesn’t have an issue with alcohol, sometimes it’s nice to find fellow addicts that also can handle alcohol

M<th and p!!!Z 5 years & 5 months today. Welcome :pray: to you :smiley:!


I was addicted to anything that changed how I felt!! Now I’m addicted to gratitude working steps and going to meetings loving life!! :pray:t2:


Both. I’m working a 12 step program currently. Please reach out if you want to chat. I’m always happy to make a new clean and sober friend. :heart:

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Same here, always happy to make a fellow sober friend!🫶🏻

I’m sorry, I completely understand. I myself have never had issues with alcohol only drugs, but alcohol addiction seems to run in my family. I just happened to be the odd duck :joy:

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I'm in recovery for both, we got this!:facepunch::muscle::heart:

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I am here mostly for drug addiction. Methamphetamine and H/Fentanyl.

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Alcohol is a drug and one of the worst. The truth, at least from what I've seen in my recovery this time, is that the same principles of recovery work for addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. Working to lead a better life and focus on others is what it's all about


I am definitely recovering from all forms of drug addiction and alcohol is also a drug.

I was known as a trashcan to my friends I would take whatever I could to get the noise inside my head to quiet at least for a little while. My family was a crackhead LOL


That’s freaking amazing KIMBERLY. Congratulations.

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I’m well aware that it’s one in the same. But I myself don’t have issues with alcohol only drugs so yeah I wanted to meet some other addicts who don’t have issues with alcohol either.

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Girl me too lol but I am recovery from a drug addiction