So who here is only in recovery from drug addiction?

You're on the wrong app for that. For the most part, you're just not going to find many, if any, people in recovery from drugs, that drink. Alcohol is one of those things to avoid when you're in recovery from any kind of addiction.

And how is this the wrong app to meet addicts?

To meet addicts that are actively using another addictive drug, you mean.

Itā€™s not uncommon for a drug addict to not have issues with alcohol. Iā€™ve met quiet a few here like me.

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It actually really is rare. But, I'm glad you're able to find what you're looking for. Just seems counterintuitive to come to an alcohol focused sober app looking for people that drink.

What makes you think this is a alcohol focused app? This is a recovery focused for all types of addiction. Not just alcohol. I found this app from an recovering addict that this company is partnered with to share about the app, whoā€™s in recovery from drugs.


I am a recovering addict. I am almost to 50 days clean from Meth. I started with pain pills, coke, then I started to become extremely careless and meth was my go to. When I did a urine (for my own good) I had fentanyl in my system as well. Since that urine I have been 100% drug free.

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Iā€™m just popping in to show a different type of perspective on addiction and recovery.

In the beginning, it seems like theyā€™re all of these different groups of different types of addictions and different types of people that are into the addictions and thatā€™s why we have all these different types of recovery groups to meet all these different types of recovery needs .

Thatā€™s a surface impression only .
Let me repeat that concisely :
The idea that we all have different types of addictions and go to different types of addiction groups is a surface impression only and not the truth of things in their depth.

Our addictions are part of natural human behaviors that have gone a little bit astray. This is why itā€™s so darn hard to kick in addiction, because the same parts of your subconscious to tell you that you need to eat and breathe and drink water to survive, are telling you that you need your stimulant to survive.

Itā€™s all part of the same unified system of who we are as humans, and the basic foundation of the behavior that becomes addiction is absolutely healthy behavior, and only becomes unhealthy when it becomes an excessive and damaging behavior.

The same could be said for so very many other survival behaviors, like violence, or protectiveness, or envy, or anything else. These behaviors are a basic part of the foundation of our psychology, and are designed to keep the human animal alive and thriving physically, and Socially. Itā€™s when we start substituting our needs with stimulants or other behaviors that do not actually meet our needs that we end up in an unhealthy behavior cycle.

So the very same motivations that caused somebody to be addicted to over eating or alcoholism, or shooting, dope or smoking tobacco is all based on natural and otherwise healthy human tendencies .

So, the idea that somebody just comes to one little group to recover from one thing and thatā€™s going to fix the situation is a fallacy. What needs to be worked on is the basic human behaviors that caused the addiction file the addiction is simultaneously being treated with an active treatment program of recovery. This is the same no matter what youā€™re addicted to. I donā€™t care if itā€™s gambling or grandmaā€™s delicious apple pie.

Further, along in our programs, we begin to recognize the commonalities between the different, so-called types of addictions, even though the substances that we might be addicted to might give us a different side effects and different Behavioral Effects .

When we can see this, we begin to realize that addiction and recovery is not about just recovering from a specific drug or from drugs in general, and that it is about retraining, our basic human behaviors, to put them back on track to service in a healthy manner.

Do not be fooled by the fact that there are so many different 12 step recovery groups with so many different names, because they are all based on the very same successful prototype that Bill W created for Alcoholics Anonymous .

Sorry about all the typos, but my arthritis means that I have to dictate into my phone and this darn auto correct feature cause me to feel grateful if I donā€™t actually embarrass myself with the wrong word being slept in there accidentally. :laughing:

I'm in recovery from meth today I'm 96 days clean and counting.


Hi, joined another app in addition to this called ā€˜I am Soberā€™ and it has an option to choose which substance you are sober from. I saw a few profiles that were tagged for the substance they were sober from. I am not all that familiar with that app yet but you might be able to find more of a specific group there. Either way- glad you are using a resource! Good luck!

Thank you! I have no issues with people that are in recovery for both obviously, addiction is still addiction at the end of the day. But itā€™s nice to meet others that donā€™t struggle with it but struggle with drugs. Specially when my parents are alcoholicsā€¦

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Where I live Meth barely makes a impact, itā€™s all heroin/fetty and crack. But when the meth does hit town, or any drugs actually including the crack, it all has fetty in it. Probably because of the addiction factor Iā€™m guessing? Or how strong fetty is. But so many people have OD around here because they donā€™t do heroin/fetty and buy some crack with it in it and then overdose.

Also congratulations!:purple_heart:šŸ«¶šŸ»

Same, 8 months sober from heroin/fetty and crack. :grimacing: definitely not my first time around in recovery unfortunately. But definitely the lastšŸ«¶šŸ»

I guess I should have pointed out Iā€™m a certified recovery coach and use to help run a moms recovery program but we helped fathers and grandparents too. But yeah I completely understand addiction is addiction. But itā€™s kinda like how I was addicted to crack and heroin/fetty but I never did just coke and if thatā€™s all that was available I cooked it. Or when meth and bath salts got into my town, I stayed away from it. Addiction is addiction but we still have preferences

Because that's what this app started as. It's only recently they've been reworking so it's inclusive.

Sorry if I've touched a nerve or offended.

I struggled with addiction mainly as well! I have 5 years and 2 months and Iā€™ve become so complacent!! I work from home so I donā€™t leave the house much unless itā€™s about my kids. I have become a hermit! Just found this app yesterday! Loving it so far!!

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Drugs addiction for sure!