Some day i want to look back and say I made it. Day one of meth and K2 addiction. Ive been so scared of withdrawals that I have been pumping my body full or pain killers. Has any one walked this path before. Is it possible to beat addiction and being homeless. Or do I have to pick one of the two? Just need advice and fellowship. Even when my plug held me a gunpoint, i did not have as much as fear as i do now
Homelessness, pain, addiction and mental issues all need to be addressed individually. I did once maintain sobriety homeless. It was my first sober gap. I literally fell to my knees asking for my addiction to go and woke up with no want to embibe. Homelessness is sad and frustrating and a slippery slope. I wish you all the strength.
Thanks for the advice and for being here. It really means alot, thank you
I used to be a meth addict and homeless, sleeping on the street. But what's followed me my whole like before and after is alcohol. I did beat that but it doesn't stop there.... I slipped....tomorrow will be day 1 again. And again. Let's go again. You break my heart
It's not easy to walk in someone's else's shoes take mine for a walk and believe me it's not easy....
Do you have any friends or family that would take you in? God it's cold right now. I can't imagine this is going to be easy for you but it will become worth it. Do you have any meetings near you that you can attend daily or find some kind of support? This fear only seems so big because it will be life changing.
Mine is alcohol as well and it's horrible because it's legal and it's everywhere. I go to the corner store to get a pack of gum and it's there. I go to my family's house. It's there. I hate it
I live in Houston. There are more homeless services here and ways to get housing. I'm currently in treatment, but I'm on a waiting list for housing. I noticed you're not far away. Give me a call sometime. 713-494-2385 😶🌫️
Omar, yes it’s totally possible! I’ve seen many sober brothers & sisters in the program that came from similar situations and even worse.
Get into a county facility detox, get into a shelter, go to in person meetings daily & nightly, get a sponsor and do the 12 steps multiple times.
There, you now know what to do.
I’ll be praying for you
Many of us unfortunately have reached that point, where the addiction has taken just about everything we have in life. I've been there and yes there is a way out of the situation, some good guidance here, but you've got to get sober. As long as you keep using it will just keep getting worse
This will be the first time I try living a sober live. I used to be a functioning addict but as you can see, the addiction won. Today is day 2, my waking moments are nothing but pain and i just want to sleep. Thanks for taking the time to comment. It keeps me going
Thank you. It was too late for me to detox in an er or center. I'm going on day two, every movement hurts, and I just want to sleep. I slept over 10 hours yesterday. Only waking up to use the bathroom.
Will there always be a day one? Or will one day be the final day, yeah meth is so hard to quit. How can you stop doing something that gives you so much energy, confidence and joy. But i don't want to live another day like this. I want a warm bed and my family back
I'll pray for you, and you pray for me. Let's get through this together
We do recover! Meth is a hard 1 to get away from, people places things. I watched helplessly as my son struggled with it and it eventually took his life at 32. Please reach out for services if possible, anyone that will help you get on a different path of life. Praying for you
No, I ended up the way I did by lying, cheating, stealing and manipulating every single day of my life my loved ones. That's why I'm coming online. Because i can't do this alone. It's always easy to get encouragement from a stranger, than a loved one who has seen your flaws. Thanks for taking time to comment. It makes me feel like I'm not alone
Prayers for you. But you can do it. Just have faith and know you can make it
One day it will be 2 then 3 then 4.... I went dry for 4 days then got drunk this weekend...I'm so anxious and hungover and broke I might go steal some hand sanitizer...that's where I am
Do you have Facebook? Can we keep in touch through there?
I’m with you in spirit! Stay clean. You never have to go through this again if you don’t choose to pick up and use. It’s a hard ride but you can do it, and it will get easier and better with time.
Get to meetings!