Sometimes i want give up on my recovery sometime dont belong in AA program sometimes just want disappear forever feeling so lonely all time been really sad all times been staying in room all day it hard talk to people i feel like going get juged because of my past history
First of all deep breath. Some moments are harder than others. I think a lot of us can struggle with feeling so lonely, I know I did and still do. Truly healing from our drinking mindset is hard work! It's a lonely path sometimes because the disease of alcoholism itself is a disease of isolation. You have to tell yourself no you will not isolate. Will people judge you for your past history? I think people judge a lot less than we realize because everyone is worried about judging themselves. Those who judge are also deep in their disease and use it as a way to avoid their own healing. Think about what you want out of sobriety, make it simple, and work on that list. For me: inner contentment, healing my inner child and community supports.
Judged myself a lot from my past
It took me a bit of looking m, but I found my group of people that made me welcomed and unjudged.
They're out there. Just don't give on yourself or them. It'll all be worth it in the end
Thank you
We also need to learn to forgive ourselves. We can be our own worst critics and judges. We must learn to let go of this negative thinking, and learn to accept ourselves. This is the freedom we hear others talk about who âworkâ good recovery programs. We are slaves to our own minds. Recovery is so much more than just abstinence. Itâs about learning to rewire our thinking and change our perspective by practicing a new way of living. Be kind to yourself. Recovery is a process. Keep pushing forward one day at a time. You may not see the progress today, but Iâm sure you are in a much better place now than you were when you first got sober.
When I was not sober it was hot mess every time want to drink it makes think will lose everything have to play trape thought
There's all kinda of pathways in recovery. Maybe add an extra meeting that's of a different variety. Looking at our stuff is hard
You're welcome..
I'm sorry that sometimes it feels like a struggle with the loneliness and the fear of being judged.
Its always felt so clichĂŠ to say you'll find a sense of belonging.
But seriously I've never felt like I've ever truly fit in with other people. Or that people ever genuinely liked me.
And It took me a while, but I swear to you.
I've found a sense of peace within myself. And im finally at a place where I can actually say I like myself.
And that was through finding unconditional understanding amd acceptance in my home group amd the friends I've made in the past few years ..
Svetlana you are not alone. I think lots of us have felt the same. But itâs ok . See, we donât have room to judge, we are all here to support each other.
Take it easy and give yourself a chance to enjoy your sobriety.
Iâm here if you want to talk
Thank you
Donât give up on yourself you have to remember what you have been through and where you are today you doing it try to breathe itâs ok to take a break your reaching out thatâs always a good thing donât give up on yourself
I appreciate it
Your very welcome we all struggle at times and itâs nice to feel like someone cares enough you keep going going donât give up
That fear of people will go away eventually. Try to call another woman in your recovery circle or even a trusted friend once a day
Don't give up! And if nobody has told you today you're loved. Find a good home group and try and get comfortable being uncomfortable talking to people. I know its difficult and odd and weird and all that but that's where the growth happens. My home group says we'll love you until you can love yourself. Hope you are feeling better today
Sometimes canât love myself
Having trouble trusting people again
Svetlana, I hear you. Feeling like you donât belong or that your past is too heavy can be EXHAUSTING. Recovery is showing up even on the hard days and that says a lot about you. Youâve come too far to let doubt win. Keep reaching out, keep fighting for yourself. You deserve support, and there are people who see you beyond your past. You matter, even on the days you donât feel it.