Sometimes i want give up on my recovery sometime

Maybe you feel others will judge you bc you are the one judging you. If so, I get it. I’m so hard on myself due to my past and using. Isolation is the worst thing you can do in recovery. Do the opposite of what you want to do! It’s a therapy trick. If you wanna stay in go out, if you wanna isolate, find a friend to talk to. Keep your chin up and don’t let the bad days win bc there are too many good days you don’t wanna miss out on. Sending positivity and light your way!


Boom! That's deep and profound! Props Sabby

Been thinking about used drugs I feel it solved my problem

I know it’s hard sometimes you have to remind yourself that your worth it that you matter your past doesn’t define who you are today please just give yourself a chance you will look back on this one day you just feel so content and happy keep going forward you are doing ok keep reaching out you are not alone :blush::hugs::pray:t3:

Feel al alone all the time

Maybe you could join an activity group like on meetup or maybe toastmasters? That may help to find people who match your energy while doing things to occupy yourself

I agree

I’ve been there. But listen, you belong in recovery, even if it doesn’t feel like it some days. Keep holding on, things shift.

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Sometimes I don’t belong

I just read what you wrote in your intro about yourself., go back and read that., remind yourself every minute if you have to., you’re worth it! You can do it with the support of others and a reliance on a higher power…

Thank you

Thank you!!! For having the courage to continue reaching out and doing the next right thing…

It hard sometimes

Yeah, but for me… at the end of my using,, it was really hard with so many consequences., losing family… this is definitely the easier softer way to live life… bad things are still going to happen., but when I don’t over react, ask for help and trust……. Things always work out better than I expected… it’s when I expect certain outcomes,,, then once again I’m disappointed…

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Get my hope up then give up on people in recovery

I’m not religious at all but after being sober for over 8 years I’m really starting to rely on my higher power more, trust more, have more faith,, all of it will prayer and meditation really helps me keep my hands off the wheel, thinking I control things…. Most things I can’t control., when I rely on a power greater than myself that I still don’t understand, things work out…

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I don’t trust anyone right now


Going take more time

I wish you luck