Struggling with cravings

It seems it’s an everyday battle with my cravings to crack. I can’t believe I’m even typing this out for the world to know but how will I ever get better if I can’t admit it out loud even ! I’m on a MAT program to keep me off the opiates, which I’m grateful for as I struggle . So some will say I’m not truly sober but I’m doing what’s working for my family .
Back to where I started here lol the cravings hit me at weird times, when my life is chill and I’m bored and not busy ! Or when my life is chaos and a mess I relapsing seems to happen. It’s been a yr since I have relapsed and I’m off my drug of choice but someone please tell me the cravings stop ! I miss the actions and the wants to feel that high. 🫶🏻

Thanks for listening guys


The battle is a mind f*ck and mentally exhausting. The good news it gets better. Good job on reaching out and sharing.


Thank you so much I appreciate your kind words ! Is it ever a mind f@ck! It makes me feel a lot better knowing it does get easier and better ! Thanks Steve 🫶🏻

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There's always a reason to relapse if you can convince yourself. You are way too beautiful to be doing this but I understand addiction. I've noticed boredom and loneliness are huge triggers unless I take steps. Take all the precautions to get thru the next 24 and do the same tomorrow. Anyone smoking crack should be removed from your circle.. Get connected if you aren't to sober peeps. You can do this.


Hello Jessica,

My name is Troy and I am a recovered crackhead amongst other things. my sobriety date is February 21, 2001 I just celebrated 23 years clean and sober.

Work for me this is my opinion only was a 12 step program. And a sponsor to take me through the steps. a Homegroup that I had a commitment in for a year. They group of at least three people outside of my sponsor we do recover we just have to put the work in.
Have you ever tried a 12 step program before? 

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Sharing this, getting it out, is HUGE. Very cool. Super proud of you.

Like other people said, plug into sober people/group. It will make all the difference. Youre not alone. There are so many women out here, just like you. Build your network.


Hello Teresa ! Thank you so much for all your kind words ! I appreciate it, thankfully I was isolated and hid it from friends and family. So the struggles with that is okay and gone . I live in a town where it's ramped of so much drugs on the streets.. I have been going to prevention groups so that's really helpful as well.. Again thank you so much :blush: I appreciate you!!

Congratulations that's truly amazing! Good for you !

I honestly have not tried the 12 step yet ! That's one thing I can admit to. I don't know what is holding me back . Unsure how to get a sponsors as well . Thank you for sharing and I appreciate it . I will loook into finding a NA group here . Can it be NA ? Yah eh

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Thank you so so much ! I have actually joined a sober group and I love it . But truly not enough programming in my area as I would like .

Sharing does help I find for myself it's great. This app is awesome as well ..thank you so much for your kind words


Hey check out the online community called Sober She Devils, if you're having trouble finding things nearby.

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Is always going to be a struggle you know what I mean I always here for the first two years more so than anything you know I already been completely off of heroin on the Suboxone program due to my cravings since 2017, and I still find myself craving heroin here and there not as bad as it was when I first got sober from it but it does come here and sometimes it comes when my life is going very well. Sometimes it’s coming when I have a lot going on or when I’m bored, what I have found that helps me when I’m bored I get up and I find something to do Mothers writing whether it’s coloring or going for a walk or find a movie on that will keep my attention off of it or I do brain dumping when I get a piece of paper I set a timer for one to five minutes and I just start writing anything as in my mind when that timer goes off, I throw that paper away And not look back at it because when you look at it you’re taking all that back in if you ever need to, you can always hit my inbox up and we can talk if you need more but I am very thankful that you’re reaching out and talking about it because like you said that is one way you do heal


Thank you for sharing I go to both fellowship AA and NA

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Jess, are you working with a sponsor? It really helps. I’m here if you want to talk

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Hello Mary !
Thank you so much for sharing with me your struggles. I totally understand that part ..
I've been trying to so hard with the methadone and groups ( not NA yet ) but since finding this app I think maybe it would also benefit me as well . I have a NA book here at home I wanted to just do the steps and exercises but I think I would need a sponsors as alot of people are saying . Well maybe not need one. But it would be helpful.
The colour is a great way I like to pass time as well . Thankfully with work and my kids I don't have tons of times to be bored right now and I'm forever grateful for that . I try to load up on stuff to do so I cant get to bored. :frowning: summer is my enemy scratch that WAS .. POSITIVE thinking right ..

I really like your idea about writing everything out and not going back to it and just tossing it. I'm going to try that thanks for the suggestion :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: I hope your Sunday is off to a fantastic start ! Again thank you for your thoughts and sharing them with me.

Hey Taylor! Where would I find that group ,? Like Facebook? Or I'm so new to the finding resources online lol

Hey Danny,
I am not know .. Im shy and have yet been to an NA group.. I want to tho so it may happen this week lol but I have never been one to know where to located the sponsor's?? Just at a group or what ?

The cravings do get easier with time. The point is you’re recognizing the triggers and you are overcoming them. Every time you do so, you get stronger. Down time and boredom are common factors in the onset of cravings but you can’t,”go go go,”all the time. Mental exercises are helpful! You’re doing great. This community is here to help and you should never apologize for sharing or the method you use to stay clean. If it takes medication, so be it. As long as you’re not taking it for the purpose of getting high, you are sober in my book.

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I sponsor multiple people over the phone for people that truly want to be free from drugs & alcohol. If you’re interested in talking about it I gave you my direct cell in private message.

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I have not read all of the messages, suggestions - so pardon me if anyone has already mentioned…while I rarely see a suggestion…suggesting to read ABOUT cravings.
As in…
How long they last for…which is NOT long.
I realize that meetings are important…while so is reading and learning about the science behind cravings and how our brains operate.

I hope this helps you.
I am glad that you are sharing with us!

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—additional resources for you to consider.
Annie Grace, her book This Naked Mind.
Laura McKowen, her books and site.
They helped me to stop drinking while for example, people like Annie Grace-delve into why those cravings take place and to begin with.
There are many groups and resources available to help you manage these cravings.

If you plug in search words for cravings and how to manage them, a wealth of science and research exists…that actually helps ( my humble opinion ).

I would sincerely begin by doing an online search for “ dealing with cravings “…well.
And specifically for opiates.

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