Struggling with sober heartbreak

Struggling not to drink myself through a bad break up. It's all I've ever known how to deal with the pain of it all, and I've never gone through all this sober. I don't want to throw away my sobriety but struggling !


Drinking will make it worse. You might feel OK for a bit, but eventually, you'll be dealing with the depression and anxiety caused by alcohol, plus the sadness of your breakup. Reach out to people. Find healthier ways to deal with the pain. If you need to chat, just send me a message. Hang in there.


Get to a meeting and call your sponsor. It will get better. But if nothing changes then nothing changes.


You're a lovely young lady. I'm sure your perfect someone is out there. Being sober will help you process much better. You'll find your inner strength easier and you'll get through.


Drinking will only pour gasoline on the sadness. Hang in there and I promise it will get better.


I agree go to a meeting and call your sponsor. Call somebody get somebody to come stay with you if you need.

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I have been going thru a horrific breakup this past year (court, etc) I was drinking during most of it. No worse feeling in the world than waking up, looking at my phone and realizing I contacted him. Drinking will make you stalk social media. It makes it so hard to move on emotionally and to have the energy to live your best life. If you stop, youโ€™ll look better, feel better and accomplish more and heโ€™ll see that you do so much better without him!! It really makes it all worse, believe me! I feel so much better without him or the alcohol, both dragged me down!


Feel it to heal it :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


Remember that alcohol doesn't help breakups, to just makes us feel like shรฏt and doubt or resolve. Orange juice or tea, coffee, those are drinks that can help you heal.

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Just don't drink... It would totally be worse. I'm in the middle of a break up right now. I'm actually ok. I tell myself I'm doing the right thing for me.. for a change. I know I can get through it. It's sad of course. We wouldn't be human if we didn't have struggles and pain sometimes. It's how we get through it that makes us stronger. You can do this without picking up. I'm routing for you. Hang in there.

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If you ever need someone to talk to Iโ€™d look into getting a sponsor, I still havenโ€™t gotten one myself but mind you I havenโ€™t been thru what youโ€™re going thru

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Sorry for your heartache. We donโ€™t give up our recovery - no matter what. Hold on, reach out, talk it out and throw up a prayer


Please listen to Matt and find help within a meeting if at all possible. We got this!

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This is definitely a better and shorter way than what I was gonna say.

Durning the first year of my sobriety. I had a lot of traumatic things that happened that really tested my strength. That I normally handled by drowning and suppressing the pain. My dad passed away two weeks after my dog, a break up, and my car was stolen. I really learned how to sit with my feelings and really absorbed the pain. It was the hardest thing I think I ever accomplished by not drinking to numb the pain, but over all I canโ€™t imagine what where I would be now if I would have given in and drowned my sorrows away:

So Tina well said! โ€œFeel it to heal itโ€!

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Sorry for your losses Zac

Stay strong Sister. I have faith in you!

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Can only share my experience my better 1/2 relasped at 2 years and we separated he got some time and as soon as we were feeling safe the rug fell out from under us and so I have been here. I had to get ok with feeling what I feel, anger joy sadness. There were days last year I hit my knees screaming as the tears just came out I had to learn to let it happen. The song Ava max has every time I cry I get a little bit stronger really stands true for me. When I donโ€™t fight what I feel and let my body process I stand a little stronger and steady, getting sober and emotionally sober does not come as rainbows and butterflies, it comes with allowing and not fighting. Be where you are let it hurt and keep choosing you


Hello Cassy. You have to get through your sobriety. If he wasnโ€™t helping you go through this you donโ€™t need him. You can do this Cassy. Fight this disease. If he continues to drink you donโ€™t need him because heโ€™s not going to give you any support. Stay sober and strong. Do this Cassy.

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How are you doing

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