Sugar Help!

What have you done to help with insatiable sugar cravings? I am 5.5 months sober and feel like I have replaced my drinking with consuming large amounts of sugar. I am rapidly gaining gaining weight which isn’t helping how I am feeling about myself!


It’s totally normal… you’ll need to substitute little by little… try out sugar free snack, fruits!, take in some exercise like a simple walk.


Thank you! I have a broken foot so I am so excited when I will be able to walk again because I know that will help!

Yeah what Luis said!


I like to exercise a lot, especially because I LOVE sugar. Even just a bike ride every night tiring myself out, I don’t crave it as much

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Thank you! I should have mentioned I also have had a broken foot for a month. :frowning: I can’t wait to do short walks!

My bad I should’ve read the comments :joy: hope you figure things out. I’m rooting for you :slight_smile:

Not your bad at all! I don’t always the comments and I didn’t mention it in my post. :slight_smile:

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Get some light dumbbells and work your upper body. Plenty of simple home workouts online using dumbbells only :pray:


Great idea… thank you!

I normally reach for fruit or sugar free hard candy. The sugar free jolly ranchers are pretty good.

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I handle junk food the same way as alcohol. Just don't

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Perfectly normal. I had different favorites every week lol. Now I try to eat more fruit or dried fruit. But keep active and the weight stays away

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A woman in one of my meetings does this. Someone brings treats and this woman stays away from them like she does alcohol.

Ha! Welcome to the club! My addiction has no bounds. Quit drinking, drugging and chasing down the one night stands. But then copious amounts of sugar, to porn, running 10 miles daily, swimming for hours daily, and on & on.
Really Doing the 12 steps multiple times, daily meditation and lots of service really helped balance me out.
Sugar is still tricky though!:sweat_smile:

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Ya the sugar thing… I walk a lot o try and go ride bike, love riding bike

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Like someone else said it is completely normal to crave sugar because not drinking alcohol. Alcohol turns into sugar so eat that sugar your first year sobriety and then after that decide like just enjoy it right now just give yourself a break.

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Great advice! Thank you!

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Yes. People at work bring candy and order pizza all the time. I'm at a point now where I recognize that I feel better when I eat relatively healthy. This kills the urge.

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I do fruit and sugar free drinks

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