Terrified and feeling alone

Day 1 - I am so scared I cannot be sober. Alcohol has started to ruin my relationship, which I refuse to allow. I am terrified that I will slip up, that I will lose my boyfriend forever.

I become so insecure and angry and start fights - out of pure conjecture and my dumb brain “filling in the gaps”

I hope to use this platform to gain insight and support from others and work towards maintaining my sobriety and thus regain my life.


Hey Kelly. Have you been going to AA meetings?


I went to one this morning virtually. I have been to some in the past. I need to find a group I truly enjoy.


Yes!!! Day 1!! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: lfg

Speculation will get you every time. Stick with the facts. Emotions are real, although sometimes misguided.

Becoming sober isnt just about stopping usage. Its also a change in perspective. Everything you do, see and feel will be different.

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Yes. I am ready. I was sober for about 5 days, and I felt fantastic. Being around people at a bar and not drinking was empowering and i realized that I don’t need to rely on alcohol to bring out my personality or humor to engage or “woo” people.

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I just need to remember those feelings. Remember that I am independent and do not need alcohol to be a crutch. I am whole already. I just forget that after a few drinks.



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Thats why we are here… Keep coming back…

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Alcohol detox is one of the worst. People might think opioid, and yes, that's terrible. Yet withdrawal from alcohol takes days. There's the shakes, the constant nausea, the hallucinations, both visual and aural. The weaknesses of both mind and body.

You can and will get through this. Remember, all your fears and suspicions, especially your suspicions, are false. Hang in there.

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It’s the first drink that gets you drunk. Not the 2nd, 4th or 10th.


I will suggest to you what was suggested to me.
Go to A.A. in person meetings. Do 90 meetings in 90 days. See if life gets better at the end of the 90 days.

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Commit to going to one meeting every single day for 90 days. The relationship will work out exactly how it is supposed to, which I know seems scary in this moment. Do this for yourself and nothing else. We are here for support. You got this.


Try to analyze why you took that first drink. Was there a trigger? Is there a feeling or situation that you need to be able to deal with, or that you need to avoid?

Now it's Day 2. Not much has changed. In fact, it's gotten worse. You gotta hang on. Binge watching Law a Order helped me. Clear a path to the toilet. Nothing coming up yet? Every commercial break was a time for me to heave. Don't worry, it will end.
Eventually, you will sleep. Fitfully, at first. An hour here or there.

It will happen. You will come back to life

Kelly, please come back. We're here


I’m here

Just went to a meeting


This is a good thing.

Frankly, I'm surprised you got out bed.