Terrified and feeling alone

I wasn’t in too bad of a way, but definitely in a place of sadness and embarrassment and shame. The meetings helped and knowing this app is available is such a support.


Stay strong and do not accept defeat from alcohol.

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Keep going to meetings and try and find some support people and a sponsor. You definitely will need to be honest and open but secrets keep us sick.

Keep going to meetings and get phone numbers if you can and actually use them. Text/call people even if it's just to say hello. If you're on Facebook make friends with sober people on Facebook. Every sober connection helps. See if you can get coffee or grab a bite with people after a meeting. The magic is getting connected as soon as possible. That's what i recommend because this disease wants us alone and suffering.

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Shelly, you are so right. I’m realizing that in a big way. I have reached out to a couple people from virtual meetings who shared their numbers. And I felt so much less alone. It also made me realize that I might be a little codependent on my boyfriend… because I look to him to fill that void. That’s not really fair. I need to create my own support system, and a good one. I so appreciate the comment.


Yeah you and me both. I also work on my co-dependcy issues. It's great that you see it. I found YouTube very helpful to get my head straight. I like The Crappy Childhood Fairy and Patrick Teahan. You're never alone even when you feel like you are. :pray::heart:


Just call someone

Your feelings are valid, and I acknowledge them. But you are never alone. You have an entire community that supports you in your efforts. Reach out to us, like you did, we got you!!! You got this.

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So agree with all the comments so far. Very simple. Take alcohol off the table as an option. Go from there! Protect that decision with your very life every waking hour! Everything in life that you value will be consumed and destroyed by alcohol. Are you willing to do that? If you want a life that has a positive future then grab this chance n don’t let go! You can do this with the support of like minded people like us n meeting Fellowship. We celebrate each other.I’m praying for you! I know how this feels. One day at a time it gets better. Blessings, Sky​:zap::sparkles::full_moon_with_face::dove::hibiscus:❤‍:fire:🪶:fire::star::eagle:


Been there sister! Proud of you for being so self aware, taking charge and being accountable to yourself.

I’m here if you need anything :purple_heart:

You got this!!

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Welcome! Go deep, get serious about your sobriety and you’ll be super glad you did.

It is way way easier to not drink alcohol than it is to drink it. For sure. Just realized that it's never actually benefited you regardless of what society says it does. You can do it gladly and never miss that poison.

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You build on your success es.one meeting than the next……. Slow it all down and walk internationally.
Try to focus on the now…. Go through the
Motions. Your earnestness is impressive :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Keep your friends in the loop :yum:we are here for each other :heart:


I too am very scared that I will forever be a failure. I understand entirely.

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Make sure you prioritize your sobriety over your boyfriend

Don’t tell that to the boyfriend but she’s right. You will lose whatever you put before your recovery ❤️‍🩹



16mo sober from my DOC, fentanyl. It gets easier. Same w alcohol, that I know. Today was one of the best and absolutely the proudest day of my life and I was anticipating today.

Let me tell you, the last few days I had urges like I've not had in 16mo at least. When is it gets easier but those who are successful are vigilant, cautious and proactive at least in my very limited understanding????