Terrified and feeling alone

You will. Was just thinking bout a grip of the good advice I neglected in the past... This is some of the best and most important advice and one of the if not the most important concept a lot of us must grasp IMO. I'm relearning this in a recent breakup after 4yrs active recovery and celibacy. Stilllll struggling to fully grasp this.

Put your self and sobriety first. If your boyfriend doesn't support you, he shouldn't be in your life.

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Best app

It's all about you first. Without that, nothing else will matter. Get to a meeting.

Get past the fear. It's going to f*ck you of your dreams, to be frank. Sobriety is nothing to fear. Relapse is little to fear. It is about changing one's mind, focus, energy and effort. It is a process. Like any type of refinement.

It's long, but a worthy read and I will reshape ot here is possible but the end discusses fear a bit and I want you to pay special attention to the last half especially.

The Triangle of Self-Obsession
This is NA Fellowship-approved literature.
Copyright Ā© 1983 by
Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

When we are born we are conscious only of ourselves, we are the universe. We perceive little
other than our basic needs, and if these needs are met we are content. As our consciousness
expands we become aware of a world outside ourselves. We discover that there are people,
places, and things around us, and that they fulfill our needs. At this point we also begin to
recognize differences and develop preferences. We learn to want and choose. We are the center
of a growing universe and expect to be provided with the things we need and want. Our source
of contentment shifts from basic needs miraculously met to the fulfillment of our desires.
Most children, through experiences over a period of time, come to realize that the outside
world cannot provide all their wants and needs. They begin to supplement what is given to
them with their own efforts. As their dependency on people, places, and things decreases they
begin to look to themselves more and more. They become more self-sufficient and learn that
happiness and contentment come from within. Most continue to mature; they recognize and
accept their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. At some point, they usually seek the help of
a Power greater than themselves to provide the things they cannot provide for themselves. For
most people, growing up is a natural process.
As addicts, however, we seem to falter along the way. We never seem to outgrow the selfcenteredness of the child. We never seem to find the self-sufficiency that others do. We continue
to depend on the world around us and refuse to accept that we will not be given everything. We
become self-obsessed; our wants and needs become demands. We reach a point where
contentment and fulfillment are impossible. People, places, and things cannot possibly fill the
emptiness inside of us, and we react to them with resentment, anger, and fear.
Resentment, anger, and fear make up the triangle of self-obsession. All of our defects of
character are forms of these three reactions. Self-obsession is at the heart of our insanity.
Resentment is the way most of us react to our past. It is the reliving of past experiences, again
and again in our minds. Anger is the way most of us deal with the present. It is our reaction to
and denial of reality. Fear is what we feel when we think about the future. It is our response to
the unknown; a fantasy in reverse. All three of these things are expressions of our selfobsession. They are the way that we react when people, places, and things (past, present, and
future) do not live up to our demands.
In Narcotics Anonymous we are given a new way of life and a new set of tools. These are the
Twelve Steps, and we work them to the best of our ability. If we stay clean, and can learn to
practice these principles in all our affairs, a miracle happens. We find freedomā€”from drugs,
from our addiction, and from our self-obsession. Resentment is replaced with acceptance; anger
is replaced with love; and fear is replaced with faith.
We have a disease that, in the end, forces us to seek help. We are fortunate that we are given
only one choice; one last chance. We must break the triangle of self-obsession; we must grow
up, or die.

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Give sobriety a chance and see how your life changes

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You are never alone, KELLY we all are here to support each other. Iā€™m so proud of you. ļæ¼