What’s everyone s thoughts on medical marijuana?

Can I add to this? Cocaine drops were prescribed for a host of issues. So was heroine, methamphetamine, and laudinum (opium).

One of my DOC’s was benzo’s so I have to avoid them. My DOCTOR recommended medical MJ for my insomnia. I listen to my doctor, not people without any medical training or experience. It’s one of my biggest issues with AA. A sponsor will tell people not to follow their medical doctors advice. That’s insane. If you have a doctor who you trust and are 100% honest with, follow their advice over another persons opinion. I consider myself 2.5 year sober and use thc as prescribed for sleep. If it works for you and your life is manageable so what works.

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Not physically addictive and anything can be mentally addictive so kind of a non-issue.

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Dr. prescribed sleep aid. Used only as Dr. ordered, just before bed, never during the day. My Doc knows my history and prescribed it. Trust your doctors people (if you have a good one). Sponsors have NO medical or substance abuse education, they are great resources but should NEVER be giving medical advice

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With all due respect, all of those had legitimate uses. A substance is neither good or bad, it’s how it’s used. Just because it can cause problems doesn’t negate the potential benefits. Doctors can prescribe Desoxyn (pharma grade meth) they don’t very often but it must have a positive benefit to some patients. So that argument doesn’t work. My sister is chronically ill and has been on a fentanyl patch for over a decade. Is she not sober?

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100,000,000% pro ... I wish it did for ME then what ETOH/OXYs did for me then. I would be in a “WAY” better spot. ETOH and OXYs took me to my knees. Marijuana absolutely has a place! I don’t use it ...DON’T like the effect. My son uses it AND I encourage him...

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Alcohol was prescribed by doctors for hundreds of years. I’m allergic. On chips it says “to thine own self be true” only I know if I’m get loaded or not.
Keep coming back.

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