What’s your sober day count?

Only 12 hours so far. Got this app while looking for some online support groups since it’s been a struggle. Everyone seems incredibly supportive. :muscle: Happy to have found this.

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2 days and I’m so tempted , I’ve been steeling water or coffee to try and help take my mind off it

4 months and two days! But who’s counting? :joy: #Iam

2321 days and going strong!


Zero. I’m still a little drunk from last night. :cry:

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Thank you MJ for the inspiring message. Marke W , Hang in there the fact that you open this app means that you have the willingness. Honestly that’s all you need right now!

  1. I have drug dreams almost every night. I get up, play the tape and stay sober NO MATTER WHAT.
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I have using dreams all the time to. Your right playing that tape all the way though sure does help.

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6 days

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63 days

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12 days



365 days today!


8 days!

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Thank you everyone for your support

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FIRST day! Just joined this support community and can't be more than grateful to have y'all as important role models on one of the most important chapters of my life! :slight_smile:


Working on day 2 . Just joined the community today .

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I went to football party 7 dads all drinking. I had two waters and a bag of pistachios- The only other time I did this was when I had a ankle bracelet. I can achieve anything as long as I stay sober. I am still new to this. Anyone from LA, beach area. 17 days up